qi3pc 0.1.2
Qt based library to communicate with i3wm via its IPC API
Qt based library to communicate with i3wm via its IPC interface.
I couldn't find a C++ and/or Qt library that maps cleanly enough to the i3wm IPC interface to use, so I made my own.
Documentation is available here. Once installed, the docs are also available through man pages man qi3pc
The messages, replies and events that i3wm IPC API provides are accessible through methods and signals with obvious names. Getting information from i3 is as simple as sending a message and waiting for a reply or subscribing to events and waiting for them to be triggered. This is done with the signal/slot mechanisms offered by Qt and normal C++ functions.
In addition to the method mentioned above, some information like workspaces, tree, config, etc. is cached for synchronous retrieval. This type of data is accessible in the form of a pair consisting of a QJsonObject or a QJsonArray and a 64 bit integer holding the last time it has been updated.
The method to work with messages/replies consist of three steps: sending a message, then waiting for the notification of reply and finally read the reply.
Say we want to get the list of workspaces from i3 using this method, the could would look like the following:
When working with subscription/events you need to first subscribe to the types of events that interest you, then wait for the event to be triggered by i3 and finally consume the associated data. Say we want to know about window changes, we would proceed as follows:
Notice that the data made available through the event signals are typically not cached and can't be retrieved if you don't save them yourself.
See the i3 module of the WIP buffalo bar for some ideas on how to use this.